Thursday, January 22, 2015

Experiments in Bokeh

Huh? What is "bokeh"? An ancient form of Korean stick fighting?
Well, no. It's actually something you've seen a million times. You just didn't know the word for it.

"Bokeh" comes from the Japanese term for "blur" or "haze" and means the aesthetic quality of out-of-focus points of light as rendered by a lens.

Here's a fine example.

Pretty cool, if it's done right. And it's a nice trick to add to your photographic arsenal, when used with discretion. And to be honest, it happens a lot by accident, too. Like when the sun beams through background foliage. Kind of like the sunshine doing a photobomb.

I was ready to publish this post, but held off for no good reason. The next day, I found (and purchased) a tiny string of lights powered by batteries. Here it is with a cute Christmas ornament.

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